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Video interviews with the author of Understanding World Religions
Chapter 1
On Ninian Smart ...
Chapter 1.2
Why write yet another textbook on religion?
Chapter 2
On African religions ...
Chapter 3
Primal religions
Chapter 4
Witches and witchcraft ...
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Isaiah Shembe ...
Chapter 7
Christianity and Yoga ...
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
The origins of Buddhism ...
Chapter 12
Buddhism and belief in God ...
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Yogic religions ...
Chapter 15
Judaism and Christianity
Chapter 16.1
The Christian understanding if Judaism ...
Chapter 16.2Frank Eyck's pilgrimage ...
Chapter 17
Judaism and Legalism
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
The language of Jesus
Chapter 20
Nubia and Global Christianity ...
Chapter 21
The Charismatic movement
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Prejudice against Muslims ...
Chapter 24.1
How is the Koran different from the Bible?
Chapter 24.2James Dickie - Yaqub Zaki and religious extremism ...
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Sayyid Qutb and modern Islam ...
Irving Hexham:
Other videos on world religions

African Religions:

Traditional African Religion

Initiation in an Afraican religion

Religion and Politics in Africa

Credo Mutwa's New Dream

CNN on Afrian religions

His Holiness Amos Shembe

Shembe Gathering


Abramic religions:

Judaism inside the Torah

St. Augustine's Conversion




Yogic Religions

Why do Asian Religion matter?

Alan Watts on Buddhism

What is Buddhism

Koran Buddhism

Chinese Religion
Modern Taoism

Chinese religion in Taiwan

The Hindu Tradition:
Hinduism Today 1

Hinduism Today-2

Hinduism Today-3

Hinduism Today-4

Hinduism Today-5

World Religions - Hinduism

A Day in the Life of a Jain

What is Jainism -1

What is Jainism -2

What is Jainism -3

What is Jainism -4

What is Jainism -5

Japansese Religions:




Agnosticism and Atheism:

Bertrand Russell- Why I am not a Christian

Hitchens: Christianity is false

Sam Harris

Dawkins on the BBC

New Religions:
BBC: Religions and Cults

Minority Faiths

CBC 5th Estate

Your Ever Well Wisher
Your Ever Well Wisher on the
founder of the Hare Krishna Movement

Special topics:

Baroness Warsi
, the British Minister of Religion, and a leading English Muslim, on aggressive secularism

The Queen
on the role of the Church in society

Peter Osborne on the role of religion in society

The Study of Relgion:
Wittgenstein and Religious Belief

The life of Coomarswamy


All text and graphics onUnderstanding World Religions are protected by copyright, 1995, 199, 2011. Permission to reproduce material found on this Web Site must be obtained from the appropriate copyright owner. World religions graphic by Christopher Tobias from Irving Hexham's Understanding World Religions, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 2012, and Roberta Polfus, from the Concise Dictionary of Religion, InterVarsity Press, Carol Stream, 1994.